
联邦勤工俭学 is part-time employment offered to students who have financial need so they can earn money to meet their educational expenses.

联邦勤工俭学 is part-time employment offered to students who have financial need based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 这样他们就可以赚钱支付教育费用.

在校园工作也是融入赌钱app可以微信提现的好方法! FWS的工作可以让你灵活地安排你的课程, 建立你的个人履历, 培养重要的职业技能. Plus, you’ll get a chance to make connections with other 赌钱app可以微信提现 students, faculty 和 staff.

There are many different areas on campus that hire student employees through the FWS program. There are office aide positions where experience with Microsoft Word 和 Excel are a plus. 实验室助理协助学生在校园实验室工作,并监督和维护设备. Service aides generally assist in providing a service to students, faculty 和 staff.

These jobs are ONLY available to students who have accepted the FWS offer in their financial aid package.

你一学年能挣的最高金额是5000美元. 你不需要偿还这些赚来的钱. 目前FWS的工资是15美元.00美元一小时. 


应用 for FWS by completing the FAFSA, which determines eligibility for the program. 我们鼓励您尽快完成FAFSA, 在赌钱app可以微信提现的3月15日优先截止日期之前.

Students should be enrolled in at least six hours of classes 和 must be making financial aid satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for FWS.


You’ll need to complete a new FAFSA each year to determine continued eligibility for FWS.


All eligible FWS students will be invited to a job fair where they will interview with departments across campus. 如果被录用,你必须通过My赌钱app可以微信提现申请职位并接受offer. FWS项目的资金是有限的, 所以一定要在每年的FAFSA优先截止日期之前申请!

FWS students may work up to 10 hours per week, depending on the maximum level of earnings available. 实际工作时间表由岗位主管制定, 既然你不能在上课时间工作,谁来安排你的课程呢.

一般, students do not work during periods when classes are not in session at the college, 包括学期间的寒假, 春假和期末考试期间.

Although student employees are not eligible for traditional benefits such as medical insurance, 休假或带薪休假, an FWS job can establish a strong foundation for your future career path 和 help you gain valuable experience.

一旦你参加了招聘会, 获得工作, 并接受FWS, 你会从财政援助办公室得到更多的信息.

赌钱app可以微信提现有广泛的FWS工作机会. 工作类别和一般描述包括:

  • 实验室助理: Assist with various tasks including monitoring, facilities maintenance, set-up 和 more.
  • 办公室助理: 执行行政和其他与办公室相关的职责.
  • 服务助手: 通过服务相关的参与和活动提供实际帮助.

我们在校园的各个部门都提供职位. 社区服务职位也可以在校外找到. There are a variety of opportunities to complement a student’s area of study or career interest.

Once you’ve applied, prepare to interview 和 watch for communication from supervisors. 赌钱app可以微信提现职业发展中心 能帮你准备一下吗!

在你接受了一份工作之后, you’ll receive an email from 赌钱app可以微信提现 人力资源 to complete your official hiring paperwork. 

一旦你的招聘文件完成, connect with the FWS Coordinator for your next steps for FWS orientation 和 completing the FWS Student Employment Agreement. 

在你接受了FWS的工作邀请之后, you will be notified by email when it’s time to complete the online new hire paperwork. 您还需要连接赌钱app可以微信提现 人力资源 (HR) to schedule a time to provide acceptable forms of ID for the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification 和 work authorization.

你会建立你的 W-4联邦预扣税K-4堪萨斯州税表 通过人力资源. 人力资源部门也会帮你设置领取薪水的方法. 

All HR hiring paperwork 和 the FWS Student Employment Agreement must be completed to be permitted to work 和 get paid.

FWS学生每月发两次工资,分别是每月的15日和最后一天. 赌钱app可以微信提现将签发一份 W-2 在年底的表格,供您用于纳税申报.

每个付款期都需要使用考勤卡. 截止日期列在赌钱app可以微信提现时薪日历上, 你会在FWS培训中得到什么.

您的考勤卡可以通过您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户访问. 进入时间和超时时间是根据您每天的开始和结束时间输入的. Hours worked are marked on the hour or in 15-minute intervals, based on your schedule.

You are responsible for making sure that your timecard is properly filled out 和 submitted on time. Failure to accurately complete your timecard 和 turn it in on time may result in a delay of two weeks or more in receiving your paycheck. If you continually fail to complete 和 submit your timecard, you'll be terminated from the program.

Student employees must accurately report hours worked 和 supervisors will certify the time submitted.

伪造考勤卡将导致立即和永久的解雇. 法律处罚是严厉的:

The student may be charged with forgery 和 petty larceny, one count for each timecard. 这些都是轻罪指控. If the pay illegally obtained is large enough, a felony charge of gr和 larceny may be made.

联邦法律中有关于骗取经济援助的行为. 最高可处以1万美元的罚款和5年监禁. 立即终止财政援助, repayment of aid received 和 a permanent bar from receiving further financial aid of any type are possible. 该学生必须到美国报到.S. 可能被起诉的教育部门.

Conviction of a felony will bar a student from entering certain professions such as teaching, 护理和执法. 如果学生被终止或自愿决定停止工作, 余下的FWS拨款将不予支付.

所有学院员工, 包括FWS的学生雇员, 希望在工作场所表现出良好的工作习惯.    


  • Be at work at the time you are scheduled 和 stay for as long as you are scheduled to be there.
  • 如果你生病了或者有紧急情况, 如果你知道自己没空,就打电话给你的上司. Illness cannot be planned, but a phone call can help your supervisor make plans for the day.
  • Request time off in advance if you need to see a doctor or a dentist 和 you cannot schedule the appointment for a time when you are not scheduled to work. 这些休假请求应该以书面形式提出.
  • 遵守计时程序, 准确记录你的工作时间, 准确填写并提交你的考勤卡.

此外,许多学院的 人事政策 适用于FWS学生雇员.

FWS student employees work in virtually every department at the College 和 perform a variety of duties important to our success. 研究表明,就业是学生成功的主要因素. Students who work are more likely to earn a degree 和 earn higher grades than their non-working peers. 兼职工作经验是职业选择和成功的重要因素.

A supervisor’s role is vital to the management 和 development of one of the 赌钱app可以微信提现的 most important resources, 我们的学生雇员.


  • Provide clearly defined supervision through well-defined expectations, resources 和 support.
  • Report student employee work hours accurately, verifying the hours submitted on the timecard.
  • 监督学生员工的工作质量.

每学期结束的时候, supervisors are encouraged to do an evaluation of the student’s job performance. Many times, students are asked to return to the same position in a subsequent year!